Far Western’s commitment to scientific research and outreach can be seen in a number of works. Below is a sample of Far Western’s numerous contributions to the field of archaeology, including: books; chapters; online publications; theses and dissertations; and a wide variety of regional, national, and international journals.
Hildebrandt, William R., Phil Kaijankoski, and Allika Ruby
2019 Middle Holocene Resource Intensification along the Southern California Coast: A View from Goleta Slough. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Contributions in Anthropology.
Moratto, Michael J., Jack Meyer, Shelly Davis-King, Jeffrey Rosenthal, and Laurie Sylwester 2019 Further Thoughts on the Age of the Sylwester Clovis Point: A Response to Haynes. PaleoAmerica 4(4):264-266.
Schmitt, Dave N., Karen D. Lupo, Jean-Paul Ndanga, D. Craig Young, Christopher A. Kiahtipes, Guy T. Amaye and Lucien P. Nguerede (2019) An elusive record further exposed: additional excavations and chronometric data on human settlement in the northern Congo Basin rain forest, southern Central African Republic. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 54(1):55-74.
Byrd, Brian F., Shannon DeArmond, and Laurel Engbring (2018) Re-visualizing Indigenous Persistence during Colonization from the Perspective of Traditional Settlements in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Area. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 38(2): 163–190.
Eerkens, Jelmer, Shannon Tushingham; Korey J Brownstein; Ramona Garibay, Katherine Perez, Engel Murga, Philip Kaijankoski, Jeffrey S Rosenthal and David R Gang (2018) Dental Calculus as a Source of Ancient Alkaloids: Detection of Nicotine by LC-MS in Calculus Samples from the Americas. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 18:509-515.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Ruth V. Nichols, Katherine Perez, Engel Murga, Philip Kaijankoski, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Laurel Engbring, and Beth Shapiro (2018) Next Generation Sequencing of Neisseria meningitidis from Dental Calculus: A Probable Case of Meningococcal Disease in a Prehistoric Native Californian Burial from San Francisco Bay. Journal of Paleopathology, Vol. 22:173-180.
Fitzgerald, Richard, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Jelmer Eerkens, Dave Nicholson, and Howard J. Spero (2018) The Distribution of Olivella Grooved Rectangle Beads in the Far West. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 38(2):241-252.
McGuire, Kelly R., William R. Hildebrandt, D. Craig Young, Kaely Colligan, and Laura Harold (2018) At the Vanishing Point: Environment and Prehistoric Land Use in the Black Rock Desert. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of National History, No. 103. New York City, New York.
Moratto, Michael J., Alan P. Garfinkel, Jon Erlandson, Alexander K. Rogers, Michael F. Rondeau, Jeffrey Rosenthal, Craig Skinner, Tim Carpenter, and Robert M. Yohe (2018) Environmental diversity and stable isotope variation in faunas: implications for human diet reconstruction in Argentine mid-latitude deserts. Journal of Archaeological Science.
Rogers, A. K., and D. Duke (2018) An Innovative Method for Computing the Hydration Rate for the Browns Bench Obsidian Source. International Association for Obsidian Studies Bulletin 60:24-29.
Scheib, C. L., Hongjie Li, Tariq Desai, Vivian Link, Christopher Kendall, Genevieve Dewar, Peter William Griffith, Alexander Mörseburg, John R. Johnson, Amiee Potter, Susan L. Kerr, Phillip Endicott, John Lindo, Marc Haber, Yali Xue, Chris Tyler-Smith, Manjinder S. Sandhu, Joseph G. Lorenz, Tori D. Randall, Zuzana Faltyskova, Luca Pagani, Petr Danecek, Tamsin C. O’Connell, Patricia Martz, Alan S. Boraas, Brian F. Byrd, Alan Leventhal, Rosemary Cambra, Ronald Williamson, Louis Lesage, Brian Holguin, Ernestine Ygnacio-De Soto, JohnTommy Rosas, Mait Metspalu, Jay T. Stock, Andrea Manica, Aylwyn Scally, Daniel Wegmann, Ripan S. Malhi, Toomas Kivisild (2018) Ancient human parallel lineages within North America contributed to a coastal expansion. Science 360(6392): 1024-1027.
Whitaker, Adrian R., Jeffrey Rosenthal, and Paul Brandy (2018) Social Boundaries, Territoriality, and the Cultural Ecology of Artiodactyl Hunting in Prehistoric Central California. Quaternary International.
Adolfo F. Gil, Lumila P. Menéndez, Juan P. Atencio, Eva A. Peralta, Gustavo A. Neme y Andrew Ugan (2017) Estrategias humanas, estabilidad, y cambio en la frontera agrícola sur americana. Latin American Antiquity.
Byrd, Brian F. and Andrew N. Garrad (2017) The Upper and Epipaleolithic of the Azraq Basin Jordan. In Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change and Humans, edited by Yehouda Enzel and Ofer Bar-Yosef, pp. 66-677. Cambridge University Press.
Giampoudakis, Konstantinos, Katherine A. Marske, Michael K. Borregaard, Andrew Ugan, Joy S. Singarayer, Paul J. Valdes, Carsten Rahbek, and David Nogués-Bravo (2017) Niche dynamics of Paleolithic modern humans during the settlement of the Palaearctic. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26(3): 359-370.
Jones, T.L., D.A. Jones, K.W. Gobalet, J.F. Porcasi, and W.R. Hildebrandt (2017) The Morro Bay Fauna: Evidence for a Medieval Droughts Refugium on the Central California Coast. American Antiquity 82(2):203-222.
McGuire, Kelly R., and Nathan Stevens (2017) The Potential Role of Geophytes, Digging Sticks, and Formed Flake Tools in the Western North American Paleoarchaic Expansion. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 37(1):3-21.
McGuire, Kelly, and William Hildebrandt (2017) Style, identity, and resource competition on the border: The incised stones of the Sacramento River Canyon. Quaternary International, Quaternary International.
Moratto, Michael J., Owen K. Davis, Shelly Davis-King, Jack Meyer, Jeffrey Rosenthal, and Laurie Sylwester (2017) A Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene Environmental Record and Fluted Point from Twain Harte, California. PaleoAmerica, 3(3):260-275.
Rosenthal, Jeffrey S., Jack Meyer, Manuel R. Palacios-Fest, D. Craig Young, Andrew Ugan, Brian F. Byrd, Ken Gobalet, and Jason Giacomo (2017) Paleohydrology of China Lake Basin and the Context of Early Human Occupation in the Northwestern Mojave Desert, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 167:112-139.
Stevens, Nathan, Adrian Whitaker, and Jeffrey Rosenthal (2017) Bedrock Mortars as Indicators of Territorial Behavior in the Sierra Nevada. Quaternary International (published online December 2017).
Whitaker, Adrian R., Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, and Paul Brandy (2017) Social Boundaries, Territoriality, and the Cultural Ecology of Artiodactyl Hunting in Prehistoric Central California. Quaternary International (published online December 2017).
Young, D.C. and W.R. Hildebrandt (2017) Tufa Village (Nevada): Placing the Fort Sage Drift Fence in a Larger Archaeological Context. American Museum of Natural History Anthropological Papers, Number 102.
Byrd, Brian F. and Jeffrey Rosenthal (2016) Celebrating the Dead and Recrafting Social Identity: Placing Prehistoric Mortuary Practices in Broader Social Context. Chapter 11 In Archaeological Variability and Interpretation in Global Perspective edited by Alan R. Sullivan III and Debrah I. Olszewski pp.233-266. University Press of Colorado.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Eric Bartelink, Richard Fitzgerald, Laura Brink, Ramona Garibay, Gina Jorgenseon, and Randy Wiberg (2016) Trophy Heads or Ancestor Veneration? A Stable Isotope Perspective on Disassociated and Modified Crania in Pre-Contact Central California. American Antiquity 81(1):114-131.
Hildebrandt, William R., Kelly R. McGuire, Jerome King, Allika Ruby, and D. Craig Young (2016) Prehistory of Nevada’s Northern Tier: Archaeological Investigations along the Ruby Pipeline Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, No. 101.
Byerly, Ryan, and Joanna Roberson (2015) Late Pleistocene to Middle Holocene Archaeology in the Mojave Desert: Recent Discoveries in Twentynine Palms, California. PaleoAmerica 1(2):197-201.
Byerly, Ryan, Joanna Roberson, and Charles P. Egeland (2015) The Coffin Bison Kill (5JA7): Bridging Perspectives on the Past at the Door to North Park, Colorado. North American Archaeologist 36:266-288.
Byrd, Brian F., and Adrian R. Whitaker (2015) Prehistoric Settlement Trends on San Clemente and San Nicolas Islands, Alta California. California Archaeology 7(1):1-32.
Byrd, Brian F., Andrew Garrard, and Paul Brandy (2015) Modeling Foraging Ranges and Spatial Organization of Late Pleistocene Hunter-gatherers in the Southern Levant—A Least-cost GIS Approach. Quaternary International.
Colligan, Kaely R., Adrian R. Whitaker, William R. Hildebrandt (2015) Where the Pavement Ends: An Assessment of the Near Absence of Haliotis refescens in the Archaeological Record on Alta California’s North Coast. California Archaeology 7(1):33-57.
Duke, Daron (2015) Haskett Spear Weaponry and Protein-Residue Evidence of Proboscidean Hunting in the Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah. PaleoAmerica 1(1):109-112.
Johnson, Lisa M., James Crandall, and Lucas R. Martindale Johnson (2015) From Vision to Cosmovision: Memory and the Senses in the Creation of Maya Ritual Space. Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 31(1):73–82
Lupo, Karen D., Dave N. Schmitt, Christopher A. Kiatipes, Jean-Paul Ndanga, D. Craig Young, and Bernard Smiti (2015) On Intensive Late Holocene Iron Mining and Production in the Northern Congo Basin and the Environmental Consequences Associated with Metallurgy in Central Africa. PLoS ONE 10(7):e0132632; http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0132632
Madsen, David B., Charles G. Oviatt, D. Craig Young, and David Page (2015) Old River Bed Delta Geomorphology and Chronology. In Anthropological Papers Number 128, edied by David B. Madsen, Dave N. Schmitt, and David Page, pp. 30-60. The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Marino, Marc D., Lucas R. Martindale Johnson, and Nathan J. Meissner (2015) Chapter 13: Postclassic Tool Production at Santa Rita Corozal: Implications for Domestic Craft Production and Regional Exchange of Flaked Stone. In Perspectives on the Ancient Maya of Chetumal Bay, edited by Debra S. Walker. University of Florida Press, Gainsville, Florida.
Martindale Johnson, Lucas R., Maureen Carpenter, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase (2015) Articulating with the Broader Economy: Chert Pressure Blade Technology in Caracol Residential Group. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 12:77–87.
Byrd, Brian F. (with a contribution by David S. Reese) (2014) The Late Pleistocene Occupation of Madamagh Rockshelter, Southern Jordan: New Data and Perspectives on an Old Excavation. In Settlement, Survey and Stone: Essays on Near Eastern Prehistory in Honour of Gary Rollefson, pp. 37-52, edited by B. Finlayson and C. Makarewicz. Berlin, ex oriente.
Codding, Brian, Adrian R. Whitaker, and Doug Bird (2014) Global Patterns in the Exploitation of Shellfish. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 9(2):145-149.
Duke, Daron, and Jerome H. King (2014) A GIS Model for Predicting Wetland Habitat in the Great Basin at the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition and Implications for Paleoindian Archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science 49:276-291.
Egeland, Charles P., Boris Gasparian, Dmitri Arakelyan, Christopher M. Nicholson, A. Petrosyan, R. Ghukasyan, and Ryan Byerly (2014) Reconnaissance Survey for Paleolithic Sites in the Debed River Valley, Northern Armenia. Journal of Field Archaeology 39(4):370-386.
Hockett, Bryan S., William R. Hildebrandt, and Jerome H. King (2014) Identifying Dart and Arrow Points in the Great Basin: Comment on Smith et al.’s “Points in Time: Direct Radiocarbon Dates on Great Basin Projectile Points.” American Antiquity 79:561-565.
Martindale Johnson, Lucas R. (2014) Standardized Lithic Technology and Crafting at the “Gateway Group” from Caracol, Belize: Implications for Maya Household Archaeology. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 11:91–87.
Rogers, Alexander K., and Daron Duke (2014) Unreliability of the Induced Obsidian Hydration Method with Abbreviated Hot-soak Protocols. Journal of Archaeological Science 52:428-435.
Whitaker, Adrian R., and Brian F. Byrd (2014) Social Circumscription, Territoriality, and the Late Holocene Intensification of Small-Bodied Shellfish along the California Coast. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 9(2):150-168.
Whitaker, Adrian R., Jeffrey R. Rosenthal, and Eric Wohlgemuth (2014) The Holocene Biogeography of Gray Pine (Pinus sabiniana Dougl.) in California. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23(6):683-692.
Whitaker, Adrian R., and Shannon Tushingham (2014) A Quantitative Assessment of Ethnographically Identified Activity Areas at the Point Saint George Site (CA-DNO-11) and the Validity of Ethnographic Analogy. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 34(1):1-15.
Byrd, Brian F., A. Cornellas, Jelmer W. Eerkens, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Timothy R. Carpenter, A. Leventhal, and J. A. Leonard (2013) The Role of Canids in Ritual and Domestic Contexts: New Ancient DNA Insights from Complex Hunter-Gatherer Sites in Prehistoric Central California. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2176-2189.
Duke, Daron (2013) The Exploded Fine-Grained Volcanic Sources of the Desert West and the Primacy of Tool Function in Material Selection. In George H. Odell Memorial Issue, North American Archaeologist 34(4):323-354.
Garrard, Andrew N, and Brian F. Byrd (2013) Beyond the Fertile Crescent: Late Palaeolithic and Neolithic Communities of the Jordaniean Steppe. The Axraq Basin Project Volume I: Project Background and the Late Palaeolithic (Geological Context and Technology). Council for the British Research in the Levant Supplemental Series Vol. 13. Oxbox Books, Oxford.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Brian F. Byrd, Anna Fritschi, and Howard J. Spero (2013) Settlement Pattern and Site Seasonality Reconstruction at Two Late Holocene Shell Middens on San Francisco Bay. Journal of Archaeological Science 40:2014-2024.
Hockett, Bryan S., C. Cliff Creger, Beth Smith, D. Craig Young, James A. Carter, Eric Dillingham, Rachel Crews, and Evan Pellegrini (2013) Large-scale Trapping Features from the Great Basin, USA: The Significance of Leadership and Communal Gatherings in Ancient Foraging Societies. Quaternary International 297:64-78.
Mikkelsen, Patricia (2013) Temporal Components. Society for California Archaeology Proceedings 27:149-161.
Whelan, Carly, Adrian R. Whitaker, and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2013) Hunter-Gatherer Storage, Settlement, and the Opportunity Costs of Women’s Foraging. American Antiquity 78:662-678.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Jerome H. King (2012) Distinguishing Between Darts and Arrows in the Archaeological Record: Implications for Technological Change in the American West. American Antiquity 77:789-799.
Whittaker, Adrian R., and Brian F. Byrd (2012) Boat-Based Foraging and Discontinuous Prehistoric Red Abalone Exploitation along the California Coast. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 31:196-214.
Whitaker, Adrian R., and Kimberley L. Carpenter (2012) Economic Foraging at a Distance Is Not a Question of If but When: A Response to Grimstead. American Antiquity 77:160-167.
Egeland, Charles. P., Boris Gasparian, Dmitri Arakelyan, Ryan M. Byerly, Christopher M. Nicholson, and Diana Zardayan (2011) Multiperiod Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Debed River Valley, North-Eastern Armenia. Antiquity 85(329).
Waechter, Sharon A., and Tammara Ekness Norton (2011) Looking for Pieces of the Puzzle. Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc., Davis, California.
Byrd, Brian F. (2010) Public and Private, Domestic and Corporate: The Emergence of the Southwest Asian Village. The Archaeology of Tribal Social Formations: Selections from American Antiquity, edited by Michelle Hegmon, pp. 109-136.
Byrd, Brian F., D. Craig Young, and Kelly R. McGuire (2010) Pavement Quarries, Gypsum Period Residential Stability, and Trans-Holocene Settlement Systems of the Mojave Desert: A Case Study at Fort Irwin. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 29(2):121-144.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Nathan E. Stevens, Amanda Cannon, Eric L. Brown, and Howard J. Spero (2010) Stable Isotope Analysis of Olivella Shell Beads from the Los Angeles Basin and San Nicholas Island. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 5:105-119.
Hildebrandt, William R., Kelly R. McGuire, and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2010) Human Behavioral Ecology and Historical Contingency: A Comment on the Diablo Canyon Archaeological Record. American Antiquity 75:679-688.
Whitaker, Adrian R. (2010) Prehistoric Behavioral Depression of Cormorant (Phalacrocorax spp.) on the Northern California Coast. Journal of Archaeological Science 37:2562-2571.
Raab, Mark L., Jim Cassidy, Andrew Yatsko, and William J. Howard (2010) Review of California Maritime Archaeology: A San Clemente Island Perspective Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 5:294-295.
Byrd, Brian F., D. Craig Young, and Kelly R. McGuire (2009) Pavement Quarries, Gypsum Period Residential Stability, and Trans-Holocene Settlement Systems of the Mojave Desert: A Case Study at Fort Irwin. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 29(2):121-143.
Byrn, Stephen, and Brian F. Byrd (2009) Mound Occupation in the South San Francisco Bay Area: The Yñigo Mound in Historical Context. Proceedings of the California Society for California Archaeology 1:82-88.
Eliyahu-Behar, Adi, Lior Regev, Sana Shilstein, Steve Weiner, Yiftah Shalev, Ilan Sharon, and John E. Berg (2009) Identifying a Roman Casting Pit at Tel Dor, Israel: Integrating Field and Laboratory Research. Journal of Field Archaeology 34(2):135-151.
Gilreath, Amy J. (2009) Gypsum Cave Revisited. Mini-report in In Situ 13(1). Newsletter of the Nevada Archaeological Association.
Hildebrandt, William R. (2009) Review of California Indians and Their Environment: An Introduction, Kent G. Lightfoot and Otis Parrish. California Archaeology 1(2):293-295.
Hildebrandt, William R., Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, and Glenn Gmoser (2009) Shellfish Transport, Caloric Return Rates, and Prehistoric Feasting on the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Alta California. California Archaeology 1:55-78.
Montero, Carie S., and Jerome King (2009) TEA GIS Database. Proceedings of the California Society for California Archaeology 22.
Rosenthal, Jeffrey, and Jack Meyer (2009) TEA Geoarchaeological Study–the Potential for Buried Archaeological Sites in Central California Proceedings of the California Society for California Archaeology 22.
Stevens, Nathan E., Jelmer W. Eerkens, Richard Fitzgerald, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, Joanne E. Goodsell, and Jamie Doty (2009) Workaday Windmiller: Another Look at Early Horizon Lifeways in Central California Proceedings of the California Society for California Archaeology 23.
Tankersley, Kenneth B., Brian Lane, Dean J. Wells, Christine Hamburg, and Andras Nagy (2009) Last Glacial Maximum Fauna from Great Saltpeter Cave, Kentucky. In Paleoenvironments: Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Current Research in the Pleistocene 26:177-180.
Waechter, Sharon A., and William W. Bloomer (2009) Tahoe Reach Revisited: The Latest Pleistocene/Early Holocene in the Tahoe Sierra. Proceedings of the California Society for California Archaeology 23.
Whitaker, Adrian R. (2009) Are Deer Really Susceptible to Resource Depression? Modeling Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Populations under Human Predation. California Archaeology 1:93-108.
Gilreath, Amy J., and William R. Hildebrandt (2008) Coso Rock Art within its Archaeological Context. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 28(1):1-22.
Hildebrandt, William R. (2008) Review of Foragers of the Terminal Pleistocene in North America, edited by Renee B. Walker and Boyce N. Driskell. Journal of Field Archaeology 33:243-246.
Whitaker, Adrian R. (2008) Incipient Aquaculture in Prehistoric California?: Long-Term Productivity and Sustainability vs. Immediate Returns for the Harvest of Marine Invertebrates. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(4):1124-1123.
Whitaker, Adrian R., Jelmer E. Eerkens, Amy M. Spurling, Eddie D. Smith, Michelle A. Degras (2008) Linguistic Boundaries as Barriers to Exchange in Northwestern California. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(4):1104-1113.
Berna, Francesco, Adi Behar, Ruth Shahack-Gross, John E. Berg, Elisabetta Boaretto, Ayelet Gilboa, Ilan Sharon, Yiftah Shalev, Sariel Shilstein, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Jeffrey R. Zorn, and Steve Weiner (2007) Sediments Exposed to High Temperatures: Reconstructing Pyrotechnological Processes in Late Bronze and Iron Age Strata at Tel Dor (Israel). Journal of Archaeological Science 34(3):358-373.
Byerly, Ryan M. (2007) Paleopathology in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Central Plains Bison: Dental Enamel Hypoplasia, Fluoride Toxicosis and the Archaeological Record. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(11):1847-1858.
Byerly, Ryan M., Judith R. Cooper, David J. Meltzer, Matthew E. Hill, and Jason M. LaBelle (2007) A Further Assessment of Paleoindian Site-Use at Bonfire Shelter. American Antiquity 72(7):373-381.
Duke, Daron, Timothy R. Carpenter, and David Page (2007) New Obsidian Hydration Findings Suggest the Use of Split-Stem Points by Great Basin Paleoindians. Current Research in the Pleistocene 24:80-82.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Jeffrey R. Ferguson, Michael D. Glascock, Craig E. Skinner, and Sharon A. Waechter (2007) Reduction Strategies and Geochemical Characterization of Lithic Assemblages: A Comparison of Three Case Studies from Western North America. American Antiquity 72(3):585-597.
Eerkens, Jelmer, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, D. Craig Young, and Jerome H. King (2007) Early Holocene Landscape Archaeology in the Coso Basin, Northwestern Mojave Desert, California. North American Archaeologist 28(2):87-112.
Hildebrandt, William R. (2007) California Archaeology: Alive and Well. A Review of California Prehistory: Colonization, Culture, and Complexity, edited by Terry L. Jones and Kathryn A. Klar. American Antiquity 72(2):382-388.
McGuire, Kelly R., William R. Hildebrandt, and Kimberley L. Carpenter (2007) Costly Signaling and the Ascendance of No-Can-Do Archaeology: A Reply to Codding and Jones. American Antiquity 72(2):358-365.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Allika Ruby (2006) Prehistoric Pinyon Exploitation in the Southwest Great Basin: A View from the Coso Range. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 26(1):11-32.
Joslin, Terry L., Laura Leach-Palm, and Eric Wohlgemuth (2006) Prehistoric Plant Use in the Cuyama Valley: The Importance of Small Sites Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 19:168-172.
Meltzer, David J., John D. Seebach, and Ryan M. Byerly (2006) The Hot Tubb Folsom-Midland Site (41CR10), Texas. Plains Anthropologist 51(198):157-184.
Mikkelsen, Patricia, William Hildebrandt, Deborah Jones, Jeffrey Rosenthal, and Robert Gibson (2006) Excavations at CA-MNT-238, at Kirk Creek on the Big Sur Coast. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 19:220-228.
Rosenthal, Jeffrey (2006) When is an Olivella Bead? Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 19:128-131.
Whitaker, Adrian R. (2006) Comment on “Ahead of the Game: Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Hunting Behaviors in the Southern Caucasus” by DS Adler et al. Current Anthropology 47(1):110.
Byerly, Ryan M., and David J. Meltzer (2005) Historic Period Faunal Remains from Mustang Springs on the Southern High Plains of West Texas. Plains Anthropologist 50(194):93-110.
Byerly, Ryan M., Judith R. Cooper, David J. Meltzer, Matthew E. Hill, and Jason M. LaBelle (2005) On Bonfire Shelter as a Paleoindian Bison Jump: An Assessment using GIS and Zooarchaeology. American Antiquity 70(4):595-629.
Byrd, Brian F. (2005) Early Village Life at Beidha, Jordan: Neolithic Spatial Organization and Vernacular Architecture. British Academy Monographs in Archaeology 12. Published for the Council for British Research in the Levant by Oxford University Press. ISBN 01972013-1.
Byrd, Brian F.
(2005) Reassessing the Emergence of Village Life in the Near East. Journal of Archaeological Research 13:231-290.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Gregory S. Herbert, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal, and Howard J. Spero (2005) Provenance Analysis of Olivella biplicata Shell Beads from the California and Oregon Coast by Stable Isotope Fingerprinting. Journal of Archaeological Science 32:1501-1514.
Egeand, Charles P., and Ryan M. Byerly (2005) Application of Return Rates to Large Mammal Butchery and Transport among Hunter-Gatherers and its Implications for Plio-Pleistocene Hominid Carcass Foraging and Site Use. Journal of Taphonomy 3(3):135-158.
McGuire, Kelly R., and William R. Hildebrandt (2005) Re-Thinking Great Basin Foragers: Prestige Hunting and Costly Signaling During the Middle Archaic Period. American Antiquity 70(4):695-712.
Mikkelsen, Patricia, William Hildebrandt, Deborah Jones, Jeffrey Rosenthal, and Robert Gibson (2005) Thirty Years After: 1974 Excavations at Kirk Creek, CA-MNT-238, on the Big Sur Coast. Occasional Paper No. 18, San Luis Obispo County Archaeological Society San Luis Obispo, California.
Ruby, Allika (2005) Itinerant Industry: Nineteenth-century Charcoal Production in the Coso Mountains. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 18:176-180.
Slaughter, Mark C., Daron Duke, and Renee Kolvet (2005) Rockshelter Roof Sticks of Southern Nevada. Nevada Archaeologist 20&21:85-88.
Waechter, Sharon A. (2005) Late-Period Resource Intensification in Sierra Valley, Eastern Plumas County: A Response to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 18:45-52.
Wohlgemuth, Eric (2005) The Medieval Climatic Anomaly and Central Sierra Foothill Prehistory. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology. 18:307-311.
Duke, Daron, D. Craig Young, and James A. Carter (2004) A Unique Example of Early Technology and Land Use in the Eastern Great Basin. Current Research in the Pleistocene 21:32-34.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2004) Are Obsidian Subsources Meaningful Units of Analysis?: Temporal and Spatial Patterning of Subsources in the Coso Volcanic Field, Southeastern California. Journal of Archaeological Science 31:21-29.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., Jerome H. King, and Eric Wohlgemuth (2004) The Prehistoric Development of Intensive Green-Cone Piñon Processing in Eastern California. Journal of Field Archaeology 29:17-27.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Allika Ruby (2004) Archaeological Discovery of Two Wooden Bows from the Coso Range, Inyo County, California. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 24(2):183-192.
King, Jerome (2004) Re-Examining Coso Obsidian Hydration Rates. Society for California Archaeology Proceedings 14:135-142.
Meyer, Jack (2004) Featured Research: Recent Developments in California Geoarchaeology. The Geological Society of America Newsletter of the Archaeological Geology Division 26(2):5.
Brewster, A., B. F. Byrd, S. N. Reddy (2003) Cultural Landscapes of Coastal Foragers: An example of GIS and Drainage Catchment Analysis from Southern California. Journal of GIS in Archaeology 1:48-60.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Kelly R. McGuire (2003) Large Game Hunting, Gender-Differentiated Work Organization, and the Role of Evolutionary Ecology in California and Great Basin Prehistory: A Reply to Broughton and Bayham. American Antiquity 68(4):790-792.
Broughton, Jack M., Dominique Rampton, and Kimberley L. Holanda (2002) A Test of an Osteologically-Based Age Determination Method in the Double-Crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus). Ibis 144:143-146.
Byrd, B. F., and S. N. Reddy (2002) Late Holocene Adaptations along the Northern San Diego Coastline: New Perspectives on Old Paradigms In Catalysts to Complexity: Late Holocene of the California Coast, edited by J. Erlandson and T. L. Jones, pp. 41-62. UCLA Press.
Eerkens, Jelmer W., and Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (2002) Transition from Geophyte to Seed Processing: Evidence for Intensification from Thermal Features near China Lake, Northern Mojave Desert. Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 38, Nos. 2 & 3:19-36.
Fitzgerald, Richard T., Jr., and William R. Hildebrandt (2002) Will the True Age of the Borax Lake Pattern Please Stand Up? The Archaeology of CA-HUM-573, an Early Holocene Site on the South End of Pilot Ridge, Humboldt County, California. Society for California Archaeology Proceedings 15:1-7.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Kelly R. McGuire (2002) The Ascendance of Hunting during the California Middle Archaic: An Evolutionary Perspective. American Antiquity 67(2):231-256.
Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. (2002) Projectile Point Typology and Chronology in the North Central Sierra Nevada. North American Archaeologist 23(2):157-183.
Sharon, Ilan, John E. Berg, and B. Zilberstein (2002) The Water Supply System at Roman Dor. The Aqueducts of Israel. Journal of Roman Archaeology, The Aqueducts of Israel, Supplement 46, edited by D. Amit, Y. Hirschfeld, and Y. Patrich.
Rosenthal, Jeffrey S., and Jack Meyer (2001) A Middle Holocene Olivella Wall-Bead Assemblage from Central California. Society for California Archaeology Newsletter 34(4).
Rosenthal, Jeffrey S., William R. Hildebrandt, and Jerome H. King(2001) Donax Don’t Tell: Reassessing Late Holocene Land Use in Northern San Diego County. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 23(2):179-214.
Byrd, Brian F. (2000) Households in Transition: Neolithic Social Organization within Southwest Asia. In Life in Neolithic Farming Communities: Social Organization, Identity, and Differentiation, edited by Ian Kuijt, pp. 63-98. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press.
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