Learn more about archaeology by visiting our Public Outreach and Interpretation projects, viewing our Featured Projects, or watching some of our videos below.

Gold, Water and Power, PG&E on the Stanislaus River is a 16 minute video covering how California’s Gold Rush era water transport system would later play a critical role in PG&E’s hydroelectric system.

Breaking New Ground is a video by Phil Gross. Produced by Kelly McGuire, the 32-minute film is about Native American participation in archaeological projects. The film has been sent to more than 250 native tribes and as many agency archaeologists.

Making Archaeology Public Project and Far Western celebrated the 50 anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act with a film about California’s archaeology. See all states’ videos here.

Looking for Pieces of the Puzzle is a seven-minute video of archaeologists at work along State Route 49, in the Sierra Nevada foothills of western Tuolumne County, California.

Obsidian Trail, by Cinnabar Video Production, Far Western, KVIE, and Caltrans, is video describing how obsidian found throughout California has informed what archaeologists know about trade and travel in prehistoric lifeways.

Coso Petroglyphs is a two-minute clip of Amy Gilreath discussing her work on rock art. Discover prehistoric art forms and see Cinnabar Video Production for more information.