Allika Ruby (1969–2017) – A loving wife, mother, friend, and colleague, who left us too soon.
Allika was an invaluable part of the Far Western family. She was always ready to take on any challenge, and excelled in all her endeavors here. Her writing skills were exceptional, as evidenced by her recent Governor’s Historic Preservation Award for Salvaging the Past, a document prepared for CRM students. She was a joy to work with and we will miss her greatly.
Allika has been a professional archaeologist since 1992 and a Far Western staff member since 1998. As senior Far Western archaeologist, she has worked on a wide range of cultural resources projects for a variety of clients. She has extensive field experience in California and Nevada, particularly in the western Great Basin, Mojave Desert, and coastal California; she has also undertaken archaeological work in Peru and Bulgaria. Her laboratory expertise includes historic-era artifact and faunal bone analyses. She has authored or co-authored more than 30 technical reports to satisfy California Environmental Quality Act and National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106) requirements.
Allika’s Featured Projects
- Ruby Pipeline
- CA-MNT-188 Test Excavations
- Pinyon Surveys, Coso Range
Allika’s Featured Publications
Hildebrandt, William R., and Allika Ruby
Prehistoric Pinyon Exploitation in the Southwestern Great Basin: A View from the Coso Range. Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 27:11-32.
Ruby, Allika
Itinerant Industry: Nineteenth-Century Charcoal Production in the Coso Mountains. In Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology, Volume 18, edited by Sharon A. Waechter, D. Laylander, and Greg G. White, pp. 176-180. Society for California Archaeology. Chico, California.
Hildebrandt, William R., and Allika Ruby
Archaeological Discovery of Two Wooden Bows from the Coso Range, Inyo County, California. Journal of Great Basin and California Anthropology 24:183-192.