Naomi has been working professionally as an archaeologist in several western states for more than 15 years, with a geographic focus on central California. She received a B.A. in Physical Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2005 and first worked for Far Western in 2007 as a temporary field technician. She formally joined the Far Western staff as a Geoarchaeologist in 2012 after completing her M.A. in Cultural Resources Management at Sonoma State University. Naomi currently serves as a Principal Investigator, Project Manager, and Geoarchaeologist. Her experience includes all phases of archaeological investigations including desktop research, sensitivity assessments, research design, survey, subsurface identification, evaluation testing, and data recovery, and she has led and contributed to authorship of numerous technical reports and regulatory compliance documents meeting a variety of local, state, and federal agency requirements under the National Historic Preservation Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and California Environmental Quality Act. Her research interests include Holocene paleo-environments and landscape evolution, human/environment relationships, preservation of the archaeological record, site contexts and stratigraphy, and collaborative, community-based, and decolonizing practices.
Naomi’s Featured Projects