The complex Project to Honor Native Americans on the UC Davis Campus involved numerous project stakeholders including campus officials, staff of Native American descent, students of Native American descent, campus arboretum staff, and members of the Patwin community. Tammara Norton and the other members of her team conducted numerous meetings with all project stakeholders. Ms. Norton personally worked with campus landscape and systems personnel, and the project committee to select locations for several installations including a contemplative garden. All design work and the final Plan for the UC Davis Project to Honor Native Americans was completed in only 26 months. Far Western’s dedication to this project is exemplified by Ms. Norton’s volunteer efforts to see that the construction of the Contemplative Garden was completed in 2009 and a monument installed at The Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts in 2019. Ms. Norton continues volunteering with the committee as they help guide the way UC Davis honors Native Americans in the future.
Ms. Norton has also designed a garden to honor the Ohlone at the Berryessa BART Station, San Jose, and numerous installations honoring the Chumash to be installed at Vandenberg Space Force Base.