Protecting non-renewable fossil resources
The Earth’s rich fossil record yields important information on plant and animal evolution, changes in regional climate and local environment, the shaping of our continent, and the dynamics of past landscape and ecological interaction. Construction projects risk disturbing these significant resources. Beginning at the planning and permitting stages, Far Western uses the highest industry standards for mitigating resource loss through fossil documentation, collection, and preparation.
We are ready to develop pre-disturbance plans through close consultation with clients and permitting agencies. The plans are largely based on literature and museum records searches, as well as analysis of geological maps. If warranted, a field survey looks for exposed fossils. If documented during survey or exposed during ground disturbance, Far Western professionally collects and prepares fossils for curation in a museum collection.
We are proud of the role we play in supporting scientific discovery through our resource protection program and paleontological outreach and education.
Russell Shapiro, PhD Email Russell