Gypsum Cave is a prominent, five-chambered, limestone solution cave at the eastern end of the Frenchman-Sunrise Mountains, just over six miles east of Las Vegas, Nevada. The paleontological and archaeological record of the cave was first investigated in the late 1920s and early 1930s by the prominent archaeologist Mark Raymond Harrington, who is recognized as the “Father of Nevada Archaeology.” The information gleaned from Gypsum Cave was notable at the time of discovery; however, advancements in archaeological technology would prove that more could still be learned from the site. Nevada Power (now, NV Energy) installed a transmission line a few hundred meters east of Gypsum Cave, and contracted Far Western to revisit the site. Given the archaeological advancements derived in the last 70 years, Far Western was able to reconstruct the time range for which Native Americans occupied the cave, and when particular caching events occurred. This information was used to consider and redefine regional developments in prehistory. Far Western also prepared a National Register of Historic Places nomination form for the cave.