Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc. retains a team of experienced bioarchaeologists who are capable of providing sensitive and rapid identification of bones recovered during survey, excavation, and monitoring projects through in-person analysis, photographs, or video calls. We are experienced in working alongside descendants to identify, document, and recover human remains. Furthermore, we are able to conduct laboratory analysis of human remains to assess number of individuals, age, sex, health, and mortuary practices. We can also evaluate older collections which may contain human remains, separating non-human from human remains to facilitate compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
Some of our recent bioarchaeology work has showcased our ability to collaborate with Tribal representatives, clients, and a unique interdisciplinary team of scientists in order to provide unique insights into the ancestral people of the San Francisco Bay Area, and can be seen in video on PBS and published through the Center for Archaeological Research at Davis. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or requests and we will be happy to respond.
See our recent work here:
- Time Has Many Voices, a Far Western and Cinnabar Productions PBS Film (Link to: https://farwestern.com/archaeology-reveals-past-lives-of-bay-area-native-tribe-phil-gross-and-far-western-produce-national-pbs-documentary/ )
- Center for Archaeological Research at Davis Publication 20, Protohistoric Village Organization and Territorial Maintenance: The Archaeology of Síi Túupentak (CA-ALA-565/H), in the San Francisco Bay Area. (Link to: https://farwestern.com/card-volume-20-the-archaeology-of-sii-tuupentak-now-available/ )